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    Download Android apk and games

    Tuesday, June 28, 2016

    LINE Let's Get Rich APK

    This game is fun for all ages – just roll the dice and you’re off on an adventure! 
    Journey around the world with your friends or family members.
    Roll the dice and feel the fun!
    This game packs all the thrill of being a real estate tycoon– just don’t go bankrupt!
    Travel the world - when you’re done with that, head for space!
    Construct famous landmarks in various places during your travels across the globe.
    Take what you can when you can.
    Roll the dice and snatch up all the properties!
    Use your character cards and a little bit of luck to get rich beyond your wildest dreams!
    Game-changing Chance Cards
    Turn the tables on your opponent with a single Chance Card.
    These cards can help you turn the tide of the game - spread plagues over your opponents cities, lower land values, force your opponent to switch properties with you, and more!
    Now, there 9 maps to fulfill your satisfaction: World Map, Thai Map(Indonesia Map), Space Map, Theme Park Map, Adventure Map, Battlefield Map, Zombie Map, God's Hand Map and the Newest One "Magic Land"!
    Play with your friends for an even more exciting adventure!
    Team up with friends to form your own real estate dream team.
    Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?
    That’s everything there is to know! Grab your friends and family and Get Rich now!
    Now you can download LINE Let's Get Rich APK and enjoy your game.
    You can also get Japanese version LINE 旅遊大亨 APK.

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